Who's Trading
How to get listed
What's new?
Drop me a note via e-mail; include your name and your website address. For people who do not have a website, you can submitting lists for me to post on this site, this
is what I need from you:
- your name
- your email address
- your lists broken down into different sections (ie. The Police, Sting, Stewart & Andy)
- your lists formatted how you want it to look (columns or no columns, your particular rules for trading, etc.)
- your lists saved as a TEXT (*.txt) file and sent to me as an e-mail
attachment [the reason why I want to have your lists as text files, is
because I am going to cut / paste them into a basic template I have already
- send each list to me separately labeled "TAPE TRADING WEBSITE - The Police"
or "TAPE TRADING WEBSITE - Sting", etc.
- any suggestions to make this website work better
For people who need to update their lists, this is what I need from you:
- update your master list
- follow #3 - 6 instructions above
QUESTIONS? Drop us a note by email and we'll answer your questions right away.
Blueturtles © 1998, 1999